Sometimes I feel like I’m running on all my pistons. I’ve got what it takes. Life is just so darn good. The days when it’s not like that are just a reminder to me that I need to be more appreciative of the times that make me sing and dance.
The political scene in the United States is abysmal. I don’t even want to think about it today. I’m swearing off all political posts and articles. No more! At least not today.
Today is for loving my life and appreciating where I live. The little piece of my paradise that are El Pescadero and Todos Santos and the surrounding areas bring me great joy. Let’s just stick with that.

I’d like to think I could be like this finch and brave landing on a cardon.

Or that I could grow in sand and lean against a rock in a garden.

Hangin’ in a tree with a promise of something sweet.

Just be happy!

Stickin’ my feet in the sand as the tide comes up.

Desert plants grace my back yard and now we’ve got new palms on the side.

The beach is just across the street. How blessed am I?

surf si puedes…surf if you can!

Morning Mist

Going in the back door. There’s an outdoor shower back there too.

Outdoor dining. The way to go.

If you’ve never been in a hammock chair you’re missing out.

Cruising around in our Polaris 4X4 is the sweetest ride on these dirt roads.

Witnessing the birth of the Olive Ridley turtle makes my day!

El Pescadero–frutas y verduras!

Passion Fruit from our “green fence.”
The health benefits of passion fruit are off the charts! I can have it anytime I want.

And so I’ll end with this: We knew what we were talking about in the 60’s. What the world needs now is love, sweet love. And living in the desert by the ocean with a big beautiful sun bringing warmth, it’s easy to feel this love.

Okay, so there are some ouches sometimes, but life is full of opportunities. I’ve just got to make the most of them.