Monthly Archives: September 2016

Marcos Makes Beautiful Pottery in the Mountains of the Sierra Laguna


This kind and gentle artist has made so many beautiful pieces for me and for many others. Some people I know have 20-30 pieces; some with whole sets of dishes. I’m well on my way to a fine collection myself. This photo shows the latest: pizza pans, two bowls, and a French bread pan.



Marcos and Margarita live in the mountains with his sister. The drive is spectacular and sometimes difficult, as it was this time. The roads are not paved, and they were in bad repair from the hurricane two weeks ago. Glad we have a good Toyota truck to make the trip.


In the summer it typically rains a lot in the mountains. It looks so green and lush it reminds me of Hawaii. We saw so many butterflies and goats and cows and donkeys. We got a glimpse of a deer jumping off the road into the brush. The butterflies can’t touch down in the puddles of water, so they land in the mud for their drinking pleasure.


Look closely to the photo below and you’ll see them in the mud puddle in the road. We drove over it and they flew all around the windows of the truck.



Yesterday, when we arrived at Marcos’s house, his grandson was visiting. What an adorable little guy. His parents were there too, but I’m sad to say I don’t know if the mother or the father was Marcos’s kid. At any rate, Margarita, the grandma, was enjoying her time with the baby. He has such a sweet smile. I got to hold him too as he put out his arms to me. I was honored. Thrilled. So happy to have a baby in my arms.


His shirt says, “I’m with the BAND!”


Maybe he’ll grow up to be a musician, or a potter like his grandpa.

Soon after we left for home, we ran into this guy. He doesn’t look too happy to us, does he?


Home now and getting excited to use some of my new pottery.


I decided to start with French bread. Here’s the baking dish before I filled it with my rising dough:

new-bread-panHere it is with the 2nd rising of the dough that’s ready for the oven. Fifteen minutes on 400 degrees F and 30 more minutes at 350 degrees F.


Here it is coming out of the oven:



Come over for a nice slice of French bread made in the baking dish Marcos made for me.

I’m in heaven!

Living in Baja and being retired here to enjoy the simple pleasures, like baking bread and

exploring the area, make me happy ever single day.