People often ask me if I have enough to do, being retired and all. I have to laugh. I am so busy having fun I can hardly get my chores done. Between working on my educational project to teach local students about the sea turtle, painting (watercolor or acrylic) on cow skulls, paper, rocks, or anything that stands still, or taking short trips to see and immerse myself in the local environment, I have little time for anything else. It’s a blessing to have so many interesting things to do. I’m in an art group here in El Pescadero where I live, “Art Just Down the Road.” The women I paint with inspire and challenge and support each other. It’s fun. Retirement is fun.
Here’s a taste:

The water, the rocks, the sea creatures are a kaleidoscope of colors. A feast for the eyes.

While one doesn’t get to do this every day, I get to do it often. Spoiled? I prefer to think I deserve it. After all I was a public school teacher for 20 years. I worked with 130 students a day when I taught high school in Washington State, grading papers on my “own time” and commuting from Whidbey Island to Mukilteo. Now I am enjoying my own time, at my own pace.

Art (or close to it)

Got to get dinner ready. I’ve been having too much fun sharing my life of adventure and creations with you. Retirement is the best.