Musings of Death

Note: I wrote this some months ago and I posted it on my Facebook page. Since then, one of my friends has died of her cancers–brain and lung. Another of my dear friends has decided to forego anymore chemo and is working on her bucket list. I admire her for her grace and courage, among other things, that make her the truly remarkable woman she is. Our Baja buddy was cancer free for about a year, but is once again “dancing” with cancer (as he puts it), trying to put an end to it once and for all. Now it is my father-in-law who has been given the news of his liver cancer. He, too, is demonstrating grace and courage, mixed with a lot of pragmatism. Again, I am in awe. And my heart breaks.



I’ve spent a lot of time lately thinking about death, more importantly, what happens to those left behind. I am at an age now when people in my inner circle are sucking in their last breaths. By my current standards, these people are too young to die.  Not too many years ago 65 was considered borrowed time. No more. Whatever the reasons, and there are many, we humans are living a lot longer.

My own mom is 98 with a strong heart and super low cholesterol. She says she’s ready to die, prays daily that this day will be her last, but for brunch every day, she eats her fresh fruit, yogurt and cottage cheese after swallowing a minimum of 10 vitamins and other supplements. When questioned about this irony, her reply is simple and sensible: “I’m ready to die, but I want to feel good while I’m still here.” This is the woman who taught me the importance of having and keeping a good sense of humor in order to keep things in perspective.

While cancer continues to ravage the bodies of so many of my friends, I find myself feeling blessed with my health one moment, and scared shitless the next. Will I become the next cancer victim? Will it be my husband who is besieged with a terminal illness? One of my children? What would life be like without them? How would I deal with the death of someone so close?

I shudder to think of it, and I try to push the fear and anxiety from my consciousness. I get better at doing this until I learn of another friend’s passing. How can you console those who have just lost a loved one? Their pain is raw. One widower I know explained that losing his wife of 42 years was surreal. Another man whose wife took care of all the business end of their lives for 44 years, must now learn to navigate in situations previously foreign AND deal with the loss of the woman who was his wife, his best friend and his lover. How can they find solace?

In our relationships we develop patterns and we adopt roles of responsibility. When our spouses die, we not only lose our partners in the business of living, but suffer the loss of companionship as well. No wonder we find ourselves living a surreal existence. The rug has been pulled from beneath our feet. The rules have changed.

And we must also take care of death certificates, wills, distributing property, and tending to the deceased’s wishes about cremation or burial, and to have a service, or not have a service. These things cost money and many times there have been no provisions made for these expenditures. If there were medical treatments, the bills will continue to arrive. There are people to contact, an obituary to write. The paperwork involved requires a clear head at a time when we are anything but clear headed. When my stepfather passed on the last day of May, we had to send his social security payment back to the government for the whole month of May. The cruel irony is that he died one day too soon to keep his last payment.

After a dear one dies, grief becomes our tormentor and no amount of slamming our fists, howling or crying can bring enough relief.  Certainly some who survive their loved ones will have family and friends they can rely on. But sooner or later everyone goes home to carry on, and what you’re left with is a broken heart. I doubt anyone is prepared for what emotions come next, and certainly we have not been given a course in how to survive our loss. We must take one day at a time, and put one foot in front of the other.

For me I imagine the ache I would feel at reaching for my husband at night in bed and finding his side empty. Even that small gesture and feeling his warmth has given me comfort many nights when I’ve struggled to sleep. This makes me think of all the little things we share that I would miss. Sometimes it just boils down to appreciating the little things in life. I want to slow down and take them all in—to accept the small joys of being alive and share them with my husband. I want to learn to savor these moments, to be more loving and slower to anger. To taste life before it swallows him or me up.

There may be no discernible life after death. That debate is for others, not me. For now all I can do is hold those I have lost in my heart, and try to be there for others who have lost those they love. And it occurs to me that while we remain blessed to be alive, we have the ability, maybe even the duty, to be more appreciative, to take pleasure in a sunset, share a laugh, help others, take our vitamins, give compliments, forgive, and best of all to hold each other close. While we still can.



Lots of Hardware in There–I’m a Bionic Woman

The year: 2008

Me: My shoulder hurts. It hurts all the time and I can’t even open a door it hurts so much.

Husband: You need to see a doctor.

Doctor: You need a total shoulder replacement

Long story short

  1. SURGERY–complete shoulder replacement–cobalt chrome humeral ball, a prosthetic rod about 5 inches long, and a plastic socket.




  1. Had to have a substitute teacher start my year for me. Ugh.
  2. Pain and exercise (some of the pain caused by the exercise, but mostly the surgery)

  3. Almost a year later I’m good to go. I retired from teaching June 19th and and then I broke my humerus boogie boarding in San Diego, CA. on August 2, 2009. (The humerus is the bone of the upper arm or forelimb, forming joints at the shoulder and the elbow).


Screen Shot 2014-11-11 at 2.15.48 PM

You can see the break right where the rod ends.


Broken humerus–oh well.

  1. Couldn’t use my arm for a long time, so my physical therapy went on hold. Not good. Six years later I’m still limited and with pain, but not anywhere near as bad as in the beginning, thank God.
  • Need to do lots of work to keep movement and strength.


    But wait! I didn’t stop there. I broke my foot doing Zumba (so much fun when you have the correct footwear) just before we moved to Mexico. I spent two years with a bum foot, lots of pain and it is all my own fault. I didn’t seek medical care in the first place. Dumb me. Now I have lots of hardware in my foot too. I had what they call a triple arthrodesis…fusion in three places. Now I have one motion–the walking motion: nothing sideways, just up and down. But I can walk without pain now. Whoopee!

    I had the surgery done in San Diego, but the follow-up x-rays were taken as I was healing back here in So. Baja. These are photos of the x-rays (which weren’t very good to begin with). But you can get the picture…lots of hardware in my foot.


    This isn’t the actual x-ray…it is the photo of the x-ray.


    This is a photo of the x-ray and you can see La Paz in it.


    A week after surgery.

    Now you know why they call me The Bionic Woman. Oh, and not to worry–I do not set off the alarms at the airport.




    Happiness Prevails



    Donsie's rose

    Happiness is a rose in Donna’s garden.




    Today I resolve to stop looking for happiness. I will stop trying to make happiness too.

    Instead I’m  just going to allow happiness to find me.

    I know it will find me because when I quit trying,

    it shows up dancing around my door.

    It flies in through the windows and swirls around me

    every single day.


    Happiness found me yesterday when my dog and I were walking on the beach. There! Right in front of our eyes were about 75 baby turtles on their way to the ocean. 75 of them!!! I helped some of them to get out of the ruts left by trucks driving on the beach. (damn trucks). The little turtles were climbing in the ruts and falling back into the depths of the tracks. Some of them were overturned and couldn’t right themselves. But…Whoopee! Susie to the rescue. Those adorable little guys came to show me that perseverance pays off. They visited me with their joy of being born and finding their way to their home in the water. A beautiful and sacred rite of passage and I was a witness (though without my camera).



    This morning happiness found Greg and me again on the beach when we witnessed whales spouting and jumping in the ocean.

    whale 11-15-11

    Two of our dear friends and their little dog were on the beach too, and we walked together, the four of us and our dogs. We spoke of the news of their baby that is “on the way,” and how the papa-to-be just came back from the States loaded up with “baby things!” Things like car seats, baby bath tubs…oh the happiness in their faces and their voices.



    You don’t have to look for happiness.

    You don’t have to work at making your happiness either.

    Just allow it to come.

    It will.

    It will come to you every day.

    (It’s up to you to recognize it).


    Spooky or Sacred?


    Celebrating Day of the Dead or Halloween?








    This is my mom at 98 years old celebrating Halloween 2014.

            This is my mom at 98 years old celebrating Halloween 2014.



    Mom has always done a really good witch cackle, so it is appropriate that she dress like this. However, she doesn’t really look scary enough to be a witch with that smile. I told her she should do her witch cackle for the trick or treaters, but she was afraid she would scare them. My brother and I used to beg her to do it for our friends, and later, after I had kids, my own would beg her to do it for their friends. One time she did. The little friend of my son’s said, “If you had done that when I was in the woods, I would have shit my pants.” Mom was flabbergasted with his potty mouth. (This kid was only about 10 years old). We all got a good laugh.

    Personally, I am not a fan of Halloween, but I know a lot of people who are. Dressing up as a different character can be fun, I’m sure. But it’s just not what I do. I am interested in the Mexican tradition of Día de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, though, especially now that I live in Mexico. In this culture, one celebrates those family members who have died. There are certain foods and things to prepare for the alter and it is a chance to show respect and love for the ones who have gone to the other side. Here’s a good link (short) to explain more if you are interested:




    I love the art associated with this holiday.




    Greg is off to his favorite surf spot.



    Whether you like to dress up on Halloween, go to parties, hand out treats, or celebrate the Mexican way, may you find joy cada día, each day.


    Frida Kahlo and Jack Sparrow

    Baja Sur Mountain Adventure on Quad Runners

    On a gloriously sunny and clear Monday morning, with a cooler packed with soft drinks, cheese, crackers, apple slices, peanut butter and cake, off we go with three friends and our dog into the mountains on our quad runners. Nothing could be more perfect. The water is running in the river streams now—waterfalls and pools make for a refreshing and spiritual adventure. Nature at its finest!




    Tanya rides her own Harley at home in Canada, so she is comfortable on her quad here in the mountains. She goes fast. Really fast. Her free spirit and willingness to make her own adventures? Inspirational! Good on ya, Tanya.

    Her husband, Eric, is all for it too. Towering over all of us at around 6’4” (maybe more), he takes life in his hands and molds it into whatever he wants. Well, almost whatever he wants—he is mortal after all. But with their guidance, our neighbor, Blaze and Greg and Isabela and I had a day to remember. The mountains of Baja Sur are spectacular, especially this time of year.


    Tanya and Eric


    Our buddies are old hands at this, and provided us with a guided tour, complete with dust masks and goggles.

    4 wheelin

    Nothing like a beautiful day in the mountains after the rain has poured there all summer long, not to mention the rain brought to us by Hurricane Odile. The roads are surprisingly good. Better, in fact, than the ones around town here, that’s for sure.




    The first thing that happened to Tanya was a run-in (or should I say run-over?) with a rattlesnake. Yup. She didn’t see it in time and ran right over it. She and Eric put it in a bag to take home for skinning. Gee, I never would have thought of that.




    rattlesnake & us

    If you ride in the lead, you don’t get that much dust. Anywhere else along the line is dusty, even when you leave lots of room between you and the one in front of you.






    Tanya and Blaze stop to wait for us.




    We’re not the only ones on the road.


    white horses



    First water crossing.


    Blaze with his dust guard and goggles.






    From a peak looking toward the ocean.



    Isabela had her first taste (literally and figuratively) of fresh mountain water. Could a dog be more happy? I don’t think so. Jumping, splashing, swimming and barreling down the road in the back of our little Polaris side-by-side made her the happiest dog in Baja.



    Greg with his dust mask and Isabela in the back of our Polaris side-by-side.










    Tanya and me in one of the pools. So refreshing–nature’s Jacuzzi.


    Susie in mtn pool



    Just loving life!



    We are so glad we followed our dreams to retire in Southern Baja. Life is sweet–one adventure after another.





    Crystal Clear


    Saturday at Hogar del Niño in Todos Santos


    The Orphanage in Todos Santos: “Hogar del Niño” (Home of the Child)

    Armed with scissors, paper, stickers, glitter tape, and pre-made pop-up book pages, we made our way through a river of happy, smiling children. My girlfriend, Tanya, introduced me to the Hogar del Niño today. We put together some craft supplies from our personal cupboards and bought more at a local papaleria–a tiny stationery/craft store. The small space in the store held so many paper products and children’s books and goodies. I’ve often thought about going to the local orphanage to volunteer some time, but didn’t want to go by myself. I’ve been here four years and finally made it. Whew!

    What a wild and crazy, but wonderful time!


    Some of the kids with Tanya in the background.


    As we pulled into the parking area, the children swarmed us at Tanya’s van. They were all smiles and hugs for Tanya who has been there several times (all by herself too! She’s no sissy). It didn’t take long they were hugging me too. We also had a box from our neighbor full of clothes, candy, an old VCR/DVD player, The Lion King video, and a boom box complete with Michael Jackson and Carrie Underwood CDs. One of the girls, about 12, held up the CD next to her own pretty face and pointing to Carrie Underwood she said in English,  “This is my sister!” Then she broke into uncontrollable laughter.

    The kids were eager to see what else we had and got started cutting and pasting and coloring before I could even get everything out of our bags. A mini riot of little arms and hands, getting busy–without any prodding whatsoever.


    This is the girl who said Carrie Underwood is her sister!


    I’ve not been around 20-25 little kids for quite some time, and I have to say it was WILD–in a good way! a very good way! Fifteen minutes into the organized chaos, I spilled a big bottle of glue onto the table. I screamed like a good teacher would, “Oh great! I spilled the glue all over the place.” Tanya just kept on working with her little charge and told me not to worry. Oh well. I picked up the paper holding the spilled glue and started off to the restroom. Not good. The wind rattled the paper and the glue ran off onto the cement. A huge puddle of glue. Kids scurrying about without a care in the world and I’m on my hands and knees. A boy about 6 says, “Oh my God!” Laughing  I ask,”Donde está el baño?” Twelve little arms point the way.


    I make my way there trying not to spill more glue and what do I find in the bathroom? A little girl with flour in her hair and on her face and shoulders. Huh? I guess she was seeing what she could come up with for Halloween? There weren’t any paper towels, so I took a tiny bit of toilet paper and ran back to the glue spill. Then I ran back to the bathroom to wash the glue from my hands and shirt. The little girl with flour all over her was in the shower room getting clean again.








    One of the older boys, probably about 11, communicated only by pointing and making a single sound. He was content to put glitter tape in a framework around his card. That was all he wanted. Okay, good enough for me.


    For his creation, just a framework of glitter tape made him content and proud.

    Happy and active, the others shared the three pair of scissors, what was left of the glue and the myriad of supplies we brought for them. Not one argument or disagreement all day. Just sweet, busy little people being creative. It was the quickest two hours of my life. Tanya and I had made 26 cards for them to make an alphabet book, and all the pages got made, but somehow I didn’t make it back with all 26–guess they squirreled them away in their spot in the dorm. Now the book I’m putting together only has about 11 pages of random letters. Ah, the beauty of it.



    Happy Kids Hamming it Up!



    If this sweet face doesn’t melt your heart, nothing will.




    This older boy told me he is sixteen and this is his one-year-old baby. There is a sticker of a soccer ball on the baby’s forehead.


    Leaving meant lots of hugs and the refrain, “Hasta Luego” (see you later). And yes, we will see each other later…maybe Monday, in fact. After all, it was so much fun.


    Everyone made a name tag!

    Lasting only as long as…


    When love comes

    . . . in boxes

    . . . . . . . with ribbons

    . . . . . . . . . . and bows


    Lasting only as long as

    . . . . . . the unwrapping,

    . . . . . . . . . and lifting from the box,

    It delights momentarily.

    001 2

    It delights momentarily.


    When love comes

    . . . in phone calls

    . . . . . . of whispers,

    . . . . . . . . . and sighs,


    Lasting only as long as

    . . . . . . our hearts

    . . . . . . . . . beat erratically,

    It arouses unexpectedly.

    cactus blooms 2

    It arouses unexpectedly.


    When love comes

    . . . in waves

    . . . . . . of expectation,

    . . . . . . . . . of promise,


    Lasting only as long as

    . . . . . . needs are

    . . . . . . . . . exposed to us,

    It satisfies fully.


    silk sunflower

    It satisfies fully.

    Another Glimpse of Life in and Around Pueblo Magico

    What’s your thing? Yoga? Surfing? Painting? Fishing? Writing? Photography? Hiking? Well, you’ve come to the right place: Baja California Sur. (Southern Baja California) The Pueblo Magico, Todos Santos, and the surrounding area is rife with artists and outdoor enthusiasts. That’s what drew us here. (Well, to be completely clear, Greg did not come here for the art. Or the yoga. He came here for the surfing. I came here for all the other stuff). It’s what draws a lot of people here, mostly in the high season which is around November-May. The summers are hot and humid and there are bugs galore, so the faint of heart “go home” when it heats up. Not a bad thing really, as it is a lot more quiet and peaceful without all the part-timers and tourists. We must be getting old. We like the tranquil, serene times. Queremos que sea muy tranquilo.

    Our fans have been going steady for six months. This was a particularly horrible summer if you are adverse to humidity and high heat. Los Mexicanos we know who have lived here their whole lives say it was one of the worst in recent memory. We must have consumed 25 big glasses of ice water a day. Maybe more. The sweat literally dripped from our entire bodies, so we had to keep pouring el agua down our throats. During the last six months we bought a big bag of ice every couple days, and I even made ice cubes in our freezer to keep up with our demand. Oh Lordy, it was a hot one.


    But summer is officially (and realistically) over now, though the bugs have not read the memo. They are still here. I have heard of many cases of Dengue Fever too. So far we have not succumbed. At least the humidity is down and we don’t have to use our fan at night for sleeping. Whew! Still no blankets though. The lowest it’s been in the middle of the night is 71 degrees F. I know this because we have a really cool clock that projects the time and outdoor temperature onto the ceiling.

    Photo on 10-22-14 at 3.15 PM #2

    See? No more curly hair from the humidity!!!


    Art, Art, and More Art

    I have no pretense of being an artist myself, but I love to play with all things art. There are lots of art galleries and artists of all types congregate here. If you are looking for pottery, jewelry, oil or water color paintings, sculpture, mosaics…you name it, it’s here. There are opportunities for classes too. I have taken two classes with the popular artist, N.E. Hayes. She is a multi-talented woman who offers two different classes, and to begin she serves Mexican coffee (with Mexican cinnamon) with homemade bread, and later she prepares an extraordinary lunch for her participants. She is an artist mostly known for paper tile mosaic works has been residing in Todos Santos for over 23 years. Besides sharing her talent for visual and culinary art, she is an interesting person who cares deeply about the earth and the community. She’s a giver. Being in her presence is a gift. Check out her website:

    N.E. Hayes puts on a wonderful art class complete with a delicious meal.

    N.E. Hayles puts on a wonderful art class complete with a delicious meal.




    Bowls waiting for the homemade ice cream!


    Making my paper mosaic...tearing paper into tiny pieces.

    Making my paper mosaic…tearing paper into tiny pieces.



    My Paper Mosaic Creation!



    If you don’t look at anything else, please go to her poster page. You won’t be sorry.

    This is one of my favorite posters by N.E. Hayles. A portion of the proceeds from my purchase goes to charity.

    This is one of my favorite posters by N.E. Hayles. A portion of the proceeds from my purchase went to charity.

    “Our Mother is happy when we care for Our Planet”

    –well said, don’t you agree?

    One More Day

    A favorite song of mine is “One More Day” by Diamond Rio:

    One more day. For me, today is one more time I play at the beach with my husband and my dog.

    It is important to me to appreciate each day–each moment actually. If I can learn to love the not-so-easy days, what my neighbor calls the “bad Mexico days,” I will have the brass ring. And so that is my goal. One more day. Whatever it brings, it’s my day to appreciate.


    One more day to love and be loved.



    Turtle Nests Galore–The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

    We’ve been walking early in the morning on the beach in front of our house. When I say early, I mean REALLY early…stars out, still dark. It’s cooler at 5:45AM and there aren’t any bugs out yet. The breeze is delightful, not too hot, not too cold–just right.  Although these mornings the moon is merely a crescent, it still puts out some light, but we have to watch our step. We are using a “chuck-it” to throw a tennis ball for our 2 year old German shepherd, and she finds it with her super sense of hearing. We are the ones having trouble finding it after she puts it down. It’s so dark! Ha ha. You probably think we’re crazy, and maybe we are. I’ve been accused of that before. My students used to say, “You’re crazy, Mrs. F., but in a good way.”

    Yesterday we found seven new turtle nests. For the last month or so, we’ve marked all of the ones we’ve found using a circle of sticks; there is an abundance of sticks now since the hurricane winds and rain and blew and washed them all down the arroyos to the beach. Handy, I’d say. We see the mom turtle tracks going up from the water and when we locate the nest, we can see her tracks going back down to the ocean. The sand is soft and disturbed where she has deposited her eggs and it is in a circular shape. We mark them so the stupid people who drive all over the beach won’t run over them.

    We believe most of these nests are of the Olive Ridley variety. They are the smallest of the sea turtles and they are listed as endangered.

    One of the nests we have marked with sticks.

    One of the nests we have marked with sticks. (Look closely, just before the rocks to the left).

    Yesterday we found the last four baby turtles of one of the hatchings! It is fascinating to watch the little ones on their way to the water. They are vulnerable and have a perilous journey to reach the ocean. Even though it is against the law to drive vehicles on the beach here, people do it all the time.

    I wish people would show respect and not drive on the beach.

    I wish people would show respect and not drive on the beach.



    In the process, they may run over nests. Even if they don’t drive over the nests, they leave huge ruts from their tires. The little babies have to traverse the obstacles all the way down to the water. The tire tracks made by thoughtless humans make it harder than it needs to be. Once in the water, the shore break causes them even more trouble. They finally get into the water and next comes a big crashing wave to push them back onto the shore. Sometimes they get upside down and can’t right themselves. Of course we can’t just leave them like that, can we?


    A photo of a hatchling I took about a year ago.

    A photo of a hatchling I took about a year ago.



    Holding a baby turtle in my hand is one of the biggest thrills I’ve had in my life. Oh, and don’t worry. Our dog does not bother the nests or the turtles when we come upon them. I do have to admit that we sometimes “help” the little ones into the water; sometimes wading out in between waves to give them a head start. This helps eliminate the issue of getting pushed back up onto the beach. According to what we’ve read, only about 1% make it to adulthood.


    Another of the 15 or so nests we've marked.

    Another of the 15 or so nests we’ve marked.


    Living here affords us the pleasure of witnessing these miracles for ourselves. Not just on TV or through pictures in a book. We are blessed, to say the least. The whales are going to start showing up soon too.



    All of the the following is from National

    “Olive ridleys have nesting sites all over the world, on tropical and subtropical beaches. During nesting, they use the wind and the tide to help them reach the beach. Females lay about a hundred eggs, but may nest up to three times a year. The nesting season is from June to December…Hatchlings, most of which perish before reaching the ocean, are preyed on by crabs, raccoons, pigs, snakes, and birds, among others. Adults are often taken by sharks.”

    SAD, BUT TRUE: If you want to see a  30 sec. video showing their travail to reach the water, go to:

    Fast Facts

    Average life span in the wild:
    50 years
    2 to 2.5 ft (62 to 70 cm)
    Up to 100 lbs (45 kg)
    Protection status:
    Did you know?
    Male olive ridleys can be distinguished from females by their tails, which stick out beyond their carapace.
    Size relative to a 6-ft (2-m) man:
    Illustration: Sea turtle compared with adult man

    “Females aren’t sexually mature until about ten to twelve years of age. They nest every one to three years and may lay several clutches of eggs each season. Highly migratory animals, they often travel hundreds of miles (kilometers) to reach their nesting beach, usually the same beach they hatched from.”

    From National Geographic:


    My doodle...inspired by the real thing.

    My doodle…inspired by the real thing.



    Here We Go Again!


    Chuy is removing the outer bark of the pole.


    Bundles of palm leaves for the palapa!

    Bundles of palm leaves for the palapa!

    We are rebuilding our palapa. Or rather, we are having our palapa rebuilt. That’s more like it. I’m not doing the work. Greg’s not doing the work, unless you count the fact that he is an integral part of designing the new one. I suppose I should give him that credit; he is way more involved in the rebuild than I am. I feed the workers my homemade cookies and breads, and I make them protein shakes and keep them in ice water. Now isn’t that worth something? 🙂



    Heavy duty forms for the new concrete posts.


    It’s noisy out there–grinders are not a pleasant sound. It is the sound of progress though, so I’m good with it. I just turn up my iPod and drown them out. John Mayer is singing to me, inviting me to move with the music. I have my iPod set to shuffle my tunes, so I get a good mix. Next up: Sia. She is so cool. The way she puts her message together is uniquely intriguing, and her voice is perfection. Find her on YouTube, you won’t be sorry. But I digress.

    The new palapa is going to have bigger, stronger posts. They will have diagonal bracing and beefier anchors. Go ahead wind. Blow. We’re going to be ready!!!

    Ricardo and his guys dug down and tied into the existing footing. It's beefier than ever now.

    Ricardo and his guys dug down and tied into the existing footing. It’s beefier than ever now.


    Actually, the whole neighborhood is abuzz with construction. Our neighbors behind us are building a new house. Theirs is one of those POUNDED EARTH structures. OMG! It is going to be so beautiful. What a process; it is just exactly what it says it is–pounded earth–giving it an organic look that fits right in and is so gorgeous. They add a little bit of color to sand and concrete and then literally pound it within the forms.


    Pounded sand & concrete with a bit of color added…So beautiful.


    The forms hold the mixture together during the pounding process. It’s all done with sweat equity…no machine.


    Materials from the earth!


    Our new neighbors are going to have a most gorgeous home. We have had the good fortune to meet and get to know them a little. It is going to be so sweet to have them here.

    Look at the colors that blend right into the scenery.

    Look at the colors that blend right into the scenery.


    The people who have a house next door have a lot of work to do now too. All their palapas blew apart, leaving the skeletons. Not the kind you find on Halloween, but skeletons just the same.


    The skeleton is there, waiting for new palmas. Looks like they need a new TV Dish too!


    A bad hair day?


    The days turn into weeks and there will be new buildings and new windows going in, new palapas everywhere around here. The trees are growing new shoots and life moves on in its own way. We are learning to move on in new ways too. Resilience is the word of the day.


    You just can’t keep a good tree down I guess.


    Banana trees are working hard to come back too!


    Barrel Cactus in Bloom

    Barrel Cactus in Bloom

    Hurricane Odile broke it apart, but it's coming back like gang busters!

    Hurricane Odile broke it apart, but it’s coming back like gang busters!

    Cookie, anyone?

    Yum! Right out of the oven.

    Yum! Right out of the oven.