Jiggy Rock-Bottom Boogie




Mr. Wind is dancing on my deck.

Tables and Chairs team up

and jiggy on over with

lanky legs to tap a racy rhythm.

Surprise! Chair does a pirouette

before it topples to the ground.


It cannot right itself. Poor Chair.

I’ll save you, Chair!

My hair joins the dance. It

lifts and twirls and slaps my

face. I shiver in my socks.

Wind whips, and Clouds swoop


They’re a traveling exhibition meant to

shock and squeeze a fancy fiesta for us.

Come on, Chair. Stand up!

There now. That’s better.

Señor Wind craves more movers

Leaves whip in–it’s a salsa recital!


Hair and Leaves and Chairs

and Tables and Wind choose

partners. Wait! Rain explodes

with its own jiggy rock-bottom

snazzy jazz. Thunder now,

and Lightning too. Get boogie!


Would somebody turn that music down?


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