I’m just sayin’…


  1. fugitive: fleeing, as one would flee from a dangerous situation, place, or from justice. But you can also be a fugitive from negative thinking; running away from bad thoughts. Right?


habits of thought

2. When you turn something over and over in your mind, like you (and I) do as we’re trying to fall asleep, it’s called ruminating. It also suggests images of cows. Like cows chewing their cud, we choose to chew our thoughts—over and over, and we can’t get to sleep. In that case maybe we should count cows instead of sheep.


cartoon ruminate


cow ruminating



3. purloin: to steal; I would use this word to explain that I purloined my friend’s play on words: “undivine intervention.” This phrase speaks to me and makes me laugh. Laughing is good for one’s health. And you may purloin the phrase, (UN)DIVINE INTERVENTION, from me now. (YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION, SO IT’S NOT PLAGIARISM.)





4. rue: regret. I have many regrets, don’t you? I’ve heard you aren’t supposed to have regrets. What?!? How can one NOT have regrets? I suppose we could decide to take the lesson learned and run with it. Then we can appreciate what we said or did or thought and feel no remorse (another word for rue).


    5. pedant: According to the dictionary, pedant is a person who lays unnecessary stress on minor or trivial points of learning, displaying a scholarship lacking in judgment or sense of proportion. In my opinion, teachers have to be careful not to be pedantic. I’m not mentioning any names here though.


pedant 2



6. love: It’s Valentine’s Day, so naturally I’m thinking about this. I love lots of people and things and places. Today it is my wish to remember to appreciate those people and things and places all the time. Even when they disappoint. Happy Valentine’s Day, Everybody! love copy


I love this person, place and thing!

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