What are Americans Thinking?


Maybe we Americans have given up thinking completely. Maybe we’re a bunch of empty headed folks going from one day to the next without considering what we’re doing to our country,  and our planet and the people on it.

Is the world crazy or is it me? I cannot fathom Americans regarding Donald Trump as a presidential candidate.

I am happy I don’t have a TV. I don’t have to listen to any of the candidate babble and I am as far removed from the barrage as possible. What little I am privy to makes me sad and leaves me feeling incredulous. Maybe a lack of critical thinking is hurting  my/our country.

Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up and hear the sound of people speaking with kindness and to see people acting with understanding? Wouldn’t it be nice to know that we all made good decisions for the right reasons? That greed was gone? That wars would end? That we could learn to be happy with what we have and stop wanting more?

We got ourselves into the shape we’re in. Let’s put our heads together and change the shape of things. Instead of a Christmas list, I’m going to make a list of things I can personally do to make things better.

It will be something like this I saw on FB, but I’ll come up with something my own.




Wait for it.




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