Morning has Broken


Walk this morning took us around the neighborhood and then down onto the beach. The skies are cloudy with patches of blue. The bo bos are out in full force. For those of you who don’t know what a bo bo is, call yourselves lucky. These teeny tiny flying bugs have arrived and the only thing you can do is flap a kerchief around to keep them off you. They even come into your nose and your mouth. Yuck.

However, the sights and sounds keep us happy and there was a lot to see this morning.



Along with the bo bos, many flowers were out to greet us. I don’t know what this is called, other than it is a weed. I think I like weeds when they are this pretty. All in the eye of the beholder.



Sour pitayas put out these gorgeous babies. They don’t last much longer than a day, but they sure give me a thrill when I come upon them.

We’ve had a few showers and the desert is green and lush again. I love this time of year. Most of the gringos are part time residents and don’t experience the rains. Sometimes it is still pretty green when they start showing back up in Oct. and Nov., but they miss out on the lightning and thunder and showers. The beautiful scent of the desert after a rain is without a doubt one of the most luscious smells.






When I get a break from chores around the house I like to paint. Rocks are my canvases. It’s relaxing though I’m sure some people, including my husband, think I’m nuts.


surf's up Baja



I keep inviting my friends to join me, but so far I’m the only nut case showing my Baja love on rocks.








I’m 37 years sober, so Nap Time is my Happy Hour.

I may be sober, but I’m not usually very serious.



Don’t chase your tail. That’s my parting thought today.









5 thoughts on “Morning has Broken

    1. Susan Post author

      Ha ha…not if I swat fast enough with my kerchief. The mosquitos are the ones that bite me, which is pretty scary in lieu of all the diseases they cause. Yikes. Bo bos get in your eyes, nose, and mouth and cover your arms. Horrible.

  1. mary b bingo

    You are the the friend I could always count on to join me in a fun-good and silly topic, and laugh ourselves into an utter STUPOR for hours, until we were hoarse, and while totally sober! I am sure we appeared to be intoxicated to strangers, but we were not!
    I miss that laughter, but luckily my Molly inherited this trait, and we have enjoyed many a laugh. The only difference now is the “stress incontinence”… but still worth it!

    Keep on Chugglin’
    Love you!


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