2nd Day of Diving–Greg gets it right!

Greg chats with the young captain, Pablo.

Another beautiful day in the waters of Cabo San Lucas. Scuba diving day two.  For some reason I am not doing even as well as I did on day one. But I manage to get down and see some beautiful coral, fish, eels, and at one time swim through lots of plankton, causing poor visibility, but somehow it was thrilling for me. Our instructor made a concerted effort to see that Greg would do all the skills so he could pass the diving portion of the class. My husband was so happy when he got back into the boat. Hooray for Greg. I, on the other hand, have to go back another day (pay extra for another boat trip).

One great thing was I got to see the famous Cabo Arco.


Am I disappointed? Claro que si. (Of course.) Determined as I am, there is one problem in my way now. My ears won’t clear, and I have muffled hearing. So I’m sitting it out for a while before I go back to get my skills accomplished. Today I am seeing a specialist for my ear problems. Sigh.

But I’ll be back! I’m bound and determined. We are both putting in the hours of study in the manual and taking lots of quizzes and tests in order to pass the written portion of the class. We’re in section 3 of 5 sections. Each one takes hours! But it is interesting and part of our knowledge base so we can be skilled divers. Learning new things keeps us young.

The sights on the surface from the boat are awesome.


I’m not going to let this ear trouble get me down. Don’t worry. Be happy! I can do this.

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