Gray Whales of Magdalena Bay and Other Blessings in My Life

The miriad of things I am grateful for range from the extraordinary to the everyday moments. We took a trip with friends to Magdalena Bay in Southern Baja with Explora Baja, owned by some dear friends of ours. The whole trip was magical. Being so close to gray whales that you can touch them is the thrill of a lifetime.

Our lives are magical and there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t comment on that.

The trip included a lovely morning on the Pacific side. We went through mangroves and ended up on the sand dunes and then the ocean. Wow.

What critter made these tracks?
Me with Paula who owns Explora Baja with her husband, Carlos. They are knowledgeable and generous, fun people that we are blessed to know.
These three made our time on the Magdalena Island so special.
See the knuckles?
Mama and her baby right under the boat.
Aren’t the barnacles wild looking?


Whale trips are life changing, but every day brings us something special. The times we spend walking on the beaches here where we live in Baja are tremendous blessings.

San Pedrito Point
Part of the point upclose

I delight in watching the waves crash up onto the rocks.

This is what we call “Our Beach.” It is a short walk across the street and down the bluff to the beach from our house. We aren’t the only happy ones. Our dog loves it too.
We are grateful for sunsets. We can be found on our deck every night.

We are most grateful for the generosity of our family and friends and the people here in the Baja that are part of the community. We have met many wonderful Mexicans who have shown us what it means to be part of this magical place. While it is being developed at a fast pace now, which is not to the liking of many who call this home, we can’t help but be grateful for our lives here every single day.

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