Happiness Prevails



Donsie's rose

Happiness is a rose in Donna’s garden.




Today I resolve to stop looking for happiness. I will stop trying to make happiness too.

Instead I’m  just going to allow happiness to find me.

I know it will find me because when I quit trying,

it shows up dancing around my door.

It flies in through the windows and swirls around me

every single day.


Happiness found me yesterday when my dog and I were walking on the beach. There! Right in front of our eyes were about 75 baby turtles on their way to the ocean. 75 of them!!! I helped some of them to get out of the ruts left by trucks driving on the beach. (damn trucks). The little turtles were climbing in the ruts and falling back into the depths of the tracks. Some of them were overturned and couldn’t right themselves. But…Whoopee! Susie to the rescue. Those adorable little guys came to show me that perseverance pays off. They visited me with their joy of being born and finding their way to their home in the water. A beautiful and sacred rite of passage and I was a witness (though without my camera).



This morning happiness found Greg and me again on the beach when we witnessed whales spouting and jumping in the ocean.

whale 11-15-11

Two of our dear friends and their little dog were on the beach too, and we walked together, the four of us and our dogs. We spoke of the news of their baby that is “on the way,” and how the papa-to-be just came back from the States loaded up with “baby things!” Things like car seats, baby bath tubs…oh the happiness in their faces and their voices.



You don’t have to look for happiness.

You don’t have to work at making your happiness either.

Just allow it to come.

It will.

It will come to you every day.

(It’s up to you to recognize it).


2 thoughts on “Happiness Prevails

  1. Eric

    He/She who has the most toys wins! Remember that 70’s refrain? As wisdom comes along, so does the value of Happiness. It’s Happiness that is the highest value…and giving/getting are equal.

    I think Happiness is a way of life. A way of moving through life. A guiding principal.

    If that’s true, then you have it all the time:) So, there’s that.

    There are more exuberant feelings, but not better ones.

    I think you must take Happiness every time you can. And, you must make Happiness every chance you get. And, you must give Happiness every single time you get that chance. The feeling of Happiness is indistinguishable whether you’re taking, making, or giving.

    But, like you’ve said. You don’t get those chances every moment or, maybe not even every day. But try not to miss the opportunity when it’s present. At least….that’s what I think:)


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